Le DCFA sera participant actif à NEXT BERLIN cette année. Voici le programme :
April 23rd, 19h00 – 23h00 – French-German Networking Exchange
Location: to be announced shortly
Expect special guests that will unveil their european strategy during the event
Open to everybody
Registration: free: Sign up here to receive your personal invitation !
April 24th, 8h30 – 9h30 – France-Germany Breakfast
Location: Main conference lobby of BCC, NEXT venue
Breakfast is the best occasion for an informal chat, isn’t it?
Open to all NEXT attendees
24. April – 14h00 – 15.30
Panel : How can we build a french-german relationship in the digital age?
When we speak about relationship, then it’s not about how a French start-up can succeed in Germany or which mistakes should German entrepreneurs avoid when entering the French market. It’s about building something together.
What does it take to finally learn how to collaborate, not just look at the other country as possible area for a business expansion.
As the world goes global, we start to see cross-border funds emerge and French-German co-investments appear. it seams VCs have recognized that they have to take action and pull together a plan to offer young talent an inspiring playground to continue innovate and leverage the synergies in Europe, otherwise we’ll expose ourselves to a brain drain to America and Asia in the coming years.
In the digital world there are no boundaries, and as the digital and analogue world overlap more and more, we see huge opportunities, let’s start with our neighbors.
After the panel, meet all the speakers and join us for networking with drinks & more!
Yann Mauchamp (Mutual Benefits – http://www.mutualbenefits.net)
- Céline Lazorthes (Leetchi – http://www.leetchi.com)
- Dr. Dominik Matyaka (Plista – http://www.plista.com)
- Maeva Tordo (ESCP Europe / Blue Factory – http://www.chaireeee.eu/accelerator/subscribe)
- Nicolas Celier (Alven Capital – www.alvencapital.com)
- Dr. Wolfgang Krause (Seventure – http://www.seventure.fr)
- Erkan Kilicaslan (Iriscapital – http://www.iriscapital.com)